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Free death records for Halloween on MyHeritage

From October 29 to November 1, 2024, MyHeritage is offering free access to our vast collection of death, burial, cemetery, and obituary records. With nearly 1.2 billion records in 435 collections, it’s the perfect chance to dive into the stories that connect us to generations before us.

Search Death, Burial, Cemetery & Obituaries now

Free death records for Halloween

Death records are incredibly valuable resources in genealogy. They often provide essential details, including birth and death dates, family connections, last addresses, and heartfelt obituaries that add personality to each name. Beyond these, however, are other rich details that can deepen your understanding of your ancestors’ lives. For example, a death certificate might reveal occupation, marital status, burial location, and even the names of the deceased’s parents and their birthplaces, providing significant insights that link you to earlier generations.

By the way, the MyHeritage DNA kit is also currently on sale for Halloween…

Read more about the free death records on our blog, and feel free to use the above graphics when spreading the word.

Remember to share this news with your friends and followers so they don’t miss the chance to explore these records for free and enjoy a great price on the MyHeritage DNA kit!

Heritage Quest Research Library: Recreating the Great War: Finding Military Service Information for your WWI Veteran

Archives fire in the 1970s. Tina offers ways to locate copies of peripheral federal military records and provides solutions for recreating some of the lost history in these “fire” records by using local government documents, newspapers, service organization memberships and base records. 
Tina Beaird is the owner of Tamarack Genealogy and is a Genealogy & Local History Librarian at the Plainfield Library in Plainfield, IL. She holds a Master of Library and Information Science degree with a specialization in Archives/Preservation from Dominican University. Tina has won multiple research and digitization grants to preserve and digitize historic documents and photographs. 
If you liked our classes last year on “Between a Rock and a Hard Place” & “Internet Archives”, you’ll like this one too!
When: Thursday, Nov. 7, 2024
Where: ZOOM & in-person
Cost: $20 members / $25 non-membersSign-up & PaymentZOOM: Go to Click on the HQRL Store and complete the registration form. Be sure to log-in as a member to receive your discount.
In-Person (8 only) Call HQRL at 253-863-1806 or come into the library at 2102 East Main, Suite 105, Puyallup, WA 98372

South King County Genealogical Society WikiTree SIG

Are you curious about the free website WikiTree? South King County Genealogical Society is hosting an interest group for those who are interested in a site that focuses on collaboration, high-quality, well-sourced research, and telling our relatives’ stories.

Whether you are just curious or an experienced user, we welcome you. Let’s together learn how to use all the strengths of the WikiTree website to present our research and collaborate with other users around the globe.

Subscribe here:

Also of interest may be an upcoming session: Monday 14 October at 1pm: Genetic Genealogy/DNA Interest Group will discuss  DNA Features at WikiTree. Register at for a Zoom invitation. 

Genealogical Forum of Oregon A Feast of DNA Topics

Intermediate & Advanced DNA Seminar: Early Registration Deadline Soon!

The Genealogical Forum of Oregon is pleased to host our fall seminar focused on intermediate and advanced DNA topics. The seminar will be held online.

Our featured speaker is Paul Woodbury, veteran of hundreds of genealogy cases and senior researcher on the DNA Team at Legacy Tree Genealogists. This seminar will introduce you to topics that are not commonly offered, from constructing a DNA-assisted proof argument, to finding misattributed ancestry (more common than realized!), to handling false positives in endogamous populations.  Even the most experienced genealogist will learn something new!

As a bonus, seminar registration includes a special session on the evening of Friday, November 1, “Intro to DNA for Beginners”, also taught by Mr. Woodbury.

Register now and save $10! Early registration deadline is October 20.

Registration:; inquiries:

Tacoma Pierce County Genealogical Society DNA SIG Meeting

DNA Special Interest Group Meeting
Tuesday, October 22, Starting at 7:00 pm via Zoom

At this meeting we will be discussing the free Family Tree Webinar Boosting Your Family History Discoveries with MyHeritage DNA by Gal Zrihen. Please watch it before the meeting and be ready to talk about it. All questions welcome!

Calendar reminder: TPCGS DNA Special Interest Group Meeting

Every month on the Fourth Tuesday beginning at 7:00 PM Pacific Time

Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.


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