Latest News For Members

Out-of-Area Events

Happy Holidays from WAGS!

We’re now entering into holiday mode–no membership meetings until January 8, 2024.

We’ll be sending you more information about the GiveNCW Fundraiser (it starts on Thanksgiving Day). Remember, the welcome mat is out at the WAGS Library (corner of Mission and Yakima in the Museum Annex building) on Tuesdays and Saturdays from 1 to 4 p.m. See you at the library, or at the meeting in January.

November Meeting for Members and Guests

November 13, 2023 at 2:00 p.m. at the FamilySearch Center, 667 10th Street NE, East Wenatchee; and via Zoom:

Topic: WAGS November General Meeting Zoom Link
Time: Nov 13, 2023 02:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 810 2107 4458
Passcode: November

“Beyond the Records: Putting Flesh on the Bones of Your Civil War Ancestor” by Annette Burke Lyttle

This program is in honor of the late Fred Pflugrath, who gathered burial information on Civil War veterans throughout Eastern Washington.

It’s never been so easy to find facts about your Civil War ancestor. But how can we reconstruct their experiences? This presentation will show you how to fill in the blanks between the facts, allowing you to tell your ancestors’ stories of the war.


October Meeting for Members and Guests

Monday, October 9, 2023

2:00 p.m., in person at the FamilySearch Center, 667 10th Street NE, East Wenatchee; and via Zoom.

Investigator-turned-genealogist and former NARA archivist Kate Townsend will present “Follow the Records and See Where They Go.” Learn about the clues that exist in different records, and how they can lead you to deeper research.

Zoom information:

Topic: WAGS General Meeting – October
Time: Oct 9, 2023 02:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 875 3698 4736
Passcode: October

Speaker’s HANDOUT

September Meeting for Members and Guests

Monday, September 11 at 2:00 p.m. — a hybrid meeting — in person at the LDS FamilySearch Center, 667 20th St. NE, East Wenatchee, and via Zoom.

Recreating Your Ancestor’s World by Mary Kircher Roddy.

Realtors always talk about location, but genealogists all know that CONTEXT is where it’s at! Being able to visualize your ancestor’s world gives your dates and places a vibrancy they would lack otherwise. Seattle-based Mary Kircher Roddy will show us how maps, city directories, census records and more can help us get to know our forebears.

Here is the speaker’s HANDOUT.

Here is the Zoom information:

Topic: WAGS September General Zoom Meeting

Time: Sep 11, 2023 02:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 892 5690 8163
Passcode: 609306

Take the rest of the summer off!

Kick back and relax this summer. We’ll be taking a break from WAGS programs in August. Find something cool to drink and a cool place to be. Nothing to read? Stop by the WAGS Library (Tuesdays and Saturdays from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m.) and see what you can find in our checkout section. We’d enjoy visiting with you.

Get refreshed and ready for a new “school year,” when our monthly programs resume in September–second Mondays at 2:00 p.m.

July 10: The Future of WAGS

July is the month when your WAGS Board does its strategic planning. This year, we don’t want it to be a board-only thing–we’re inviting you to join us and give us your valuable observations, thoughts, and ideas. What can WAGS do differently–or do more of–or less of!–to help you in your research? We’re looking forward to getting your input!

Monday, July 10 at 2:00 p.m.

In-person at the Douglas PUD Auditorium, and via Zoom.

ZOOM Link:

Topic: The Future of WAGS
Time: Jul 10, 2023 02:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 843 5487 5478
Passcode: Future

June Meeting for Members and Guests

Monday, June 12 at 2:00 p.m.–a hybrid meeting on Zoom and in person at the Douglas PUD Auditorium.

Just in time to plan entertainment for your out-of-town guests, we’re welcoming Matt Cade, board president of the Upper Valley Historical Society, giving a powerpoint titled “Greater Leavenworth Museum: A Museum on the Move.” We’ll find out more about the Society’s past, their relocation to Front Street, and perhaps a glimpse of the future they envision.

Here is the Zoom information:

Topic: WAGS General Meeting – June zoom link
Time: Jun 12, 2023 02:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 854 7806 1197
Passcode: June

No December Membership Meeting!

We’re taking the month off, so there will be no membership meeting next Monday.

Our next membership meeting will be Monday, January 9 at 2:00 p.m. with Mary Kircher Roddy on researching in the Pacific Northwest.

Have a great holiday season. See you next year!

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Read more: Latest News Page

Tacoma Pierce County Genealogical Society March 2025 Education Meeting

Tacoma Pierce County Genealogical Society Monthly Educational Meeting
Tuesday, March 11, 2025, starting at 6:00 pm

This month’s presentation will be a video presentation provided by MyHeritage: Researching Family History at Your Library with MyHeritage Library Edition presented by Daniel Horowitz. MyHeritage Library Edition is one of the largest, most internationally diverse genealogy databases of its kind. Containing more than 19.5 billion historical records from all over the world, MyHeritage Library Edition leverages cutting-edge technology to make research fast and easy even across different languages, making it the most convenient genealogy product for libraries and institutions.
Discover the advanced technology behind the scenes and learn how to take full advantage of the search engine’s robust features to explore the lives of your ancestors from your local library or the convenience of your home with your library card. Don’t take our word for it: come to the session and see for yourself!

For this meeting MyHeritage has given a few door prizes that we will give away to in person and online attendees. We ask that online attendees login to the meeting with their first and last name so they can be entered into the random name picker tool.

This meeting will be hybrid and we encourage everyone who can to attend in person at our new meeting location:
University Place Library
3609 Market PL W.
University Place, WA 98466
and via Zoom for those unable to attend in person.

Attend virtually via Zoom:
Tacoma-Pierce County Genealogical Society is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 867 1814 3644
Passcode: 630507

One tap mobile
+12532050468,,86718143644#,,,,*630507# US
+12532158782,,86718143644#,,,,*630507# US (Tacoma)
Dial by your location

        +1 253 205 0468 US
        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
Meeting ID: 867 1814 3644
Passcode: 630507

Tacoma Pierce County Genealogical Society Writing Family History SIG March 2025

Tacoma-Pierce County Genealogical Society Writing Family History
Wednesday, March 12, 2025, starting at 7:00 PM via Zoom

The Writing Family History Special Interest Group (WFH-SIG) supports TPCGS members in documenting, writing, and preserving their family histories—formally or informally. Monthly meetings will provide a mix of presentations, writing exercises, and peer reviews to help members make progress in their projects.

Meeting invite with links in file attached below

Date & Time: Every month on the Second Wednesday, starting at 7:00 PM Pacific Time

Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.


Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 875 4426 8961
Passcode: 328639

One tap mobile:
+12532158782,,87544268961#,,,,*328639# US (Tacoma)
+12532050468,,87544268961#,,,,*328639# US

Dial by your location:
• +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
• +1 253 205 0468 US
Meeting ID: 875 4426 8961
Passcode: 328639

Find your local number:

New Chapter of the Auxiliary to Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War Forming for Washington and Alaska

We are pleased to share with you the news that the Sisters (members) of the Auxiliary
to Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War (ASUVCW) have been authorized to form an
Auxiliary (chapter) to serve the states of Washington and Alaska.
The Auxiliary will be associated with Gen. John W. Sprague Camp No. 4, but will serve
all the Camps within Washington and Alaska. Gen. Sprague was a Medal of Honor
recipient and is buried in Tacoma, Washington.
The ASUVCW was established by the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
(SUVCW) in 1883 as their female auxiliary. Today, both the SUVCW and ASUVCW are
part of the Allied Orders of the Grand Army of the Republic.
We invite you, any of your family members, friends, and/or acquaintances who reside in
Washington or Alaska, and is a female descendent (daughter, granddaughter, great
granddaughter, niece, grandniece, great grandniece, and so forth) of a Union soldier,
sailor, marine or Revenue Cutter serviceman or the wife, widow, mother or legally
adopted daughter of a member of the SUVCW to become a Charter Member of the new
For a membership application and further details, contact Loran Bures at

Auxiliary to Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Principles and Objects of the ASUVCW
Acknowledging a firm belief and trust in Almighty God, and believing that under his beneficent care and guidance
the free institutions of our land – by the assistance and sacrifices of our soldiers and sailors – have been
preserved, and the integrity of the nation maintained, the objects of the Auxiliary to Sons of Union Veterans of the
Civil War, are therefore declared to be:

  1. To assist the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War in all their principles and objects.
  2. To perpetuate the memory of the services and sacrifices of the Union Veterans of the Civil War for the
    maintenance of the Union, particularly through patriotic and historical observances, especially the proper
    observance of Memorial Day, Lincoln’s Birthday and Appomattox Day.
  3. To inculcate true patriotism and love of country, not only among our membership, but to all people of our
    land, and to spread and sustain the doctrine of equal rights, universal liberty and justice to all.
  4. To oppose to the limit of our power and influence, all movements, tendencies and efforts that make for the
    destruction or impairment of our constitutional Union, and to demand of all citizens undivided loyalty and
    the highest type of Americanism.
    The history of the Auxiliary to Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War is closely associated with the Grand Army
    of the Republic (GAR), which was founded in 1866, and the Allied Orders of the GAR, which were later formed to
    continue its work. GAR Post 94 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania created a Cadet Corps in 1878, which later
    became the Sons of Veterans. Similar units were organized throughout many neighboring states. In 1882 the
    first session of the Commandery-in-Chief, Sons of Veterans was held at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
    In later years, the name was changed to Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War. The need for an Auxiliary was
    soon recognized and through the efforts of Major A. P. Davis, the first Ladies Aid Society was organized at
    Philadelphia in 1883 and in the following year was officially recognized as their Auxiliary.
    Ladies Aid Societies were formed in several states in rapid succession and in 1886 plans for a National
    Organization were formed, with the first National Encampment being held in Akron, Ohio in September 1887. In
    1904 at the National Encampment in Boston, Massachusetts the name was changed to “Sons of Veterans’
    Auxiliary”, with it eventually becoming known as the Auxiliary to Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War.
    Membership Eligibility
  5. Wives, sisters, daughters, legally adopted daughters, granddaughters, great-granddaughters and so forth,
    nieces and grandnieces and so forth, not less than twelve (12) years of age, of the deceased or
    honorably discharged Soldiers, Sailors or Marines who served in the Union Army, Navy or Coast Guard
    (including Revenue Cutter Service) during the Civil War of 1861 to 1865.
  6. Wives, widows, mothers or legally adopted daughters, not less than twelve (12) years of age, of a
    member of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, with lineage, who is in good standing.
  7. Associate. A female, not less than twelve (12) years of age, who is not a descendant of a Union Civil War
    veteran, and who desires to affiliate with the ASUVCW.
    Junior Members. Females between the ages of 6 and 11 who qualify under point 1 or 2 above. A Junior Member does not pay application fee or dues until their 12th birthday.
    • email:

Tacoma Pierce County Genealogical Society DNA SIG February Meeting

DNA Special Interest Group Meeting
Tuesday, February 25, Starting at 7:00 pm via Zoom

We will discuss the DNA company 23andMe, their offerings, and take a virtual tour of the website.

Calendar reminder: TPCGS DNA Special Interest Group Meeting

Every month on the Fourth Tuesday beginning at 7:00 PM Pacific Time

Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.


Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 827 2531 6888
Passcode: 811780

One tap mobile:
+12532050468,,82725316888#,,,,*811780# US
+12532158782,,82725316888#,,,,*811780# US (Tacoma)

Dial by your location:
        +1 253 205 0468 US
        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
Meeting ID: 827 2531 6888
Passcode: 811780

Find your local number:

Arizona Genealogy Day Conference — Free & Virtual

You are invited to attend the fifth annual Arizona Genealogy Day conference on Saturday, 29 March 2025. Registration is now open ( The free, virtual conference is sponsored by Arizona Genealogical Advisory Board and the Arizona State Library, Archives, and Public Records.

Arizona-based as well as national speakers are presenting, and the subjects cover Story Telling/Sharing to DNA to Artificial Intelligence. We think there is something for everyone! And the topics are NOT necessarily Arizona based subjects, so anyone can learn something. If you cannot attend on the day of the conference, go ahead and register because the conference will be on the Arizona State Library’s YouTube channel for a limited time afterward.

If you have any questions, please contact myself or Kori Tueller from the Arizona State Library:

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