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Upcoming seminar featuring Judy G. Russell, JD, CG, CGL, aka the “Legal Genealogist”
Dear Friends at WASGS,
We would like to say thank you for awarding us a 2024 Supportive Grant award. We will use it to help pay for our upcoming seminar featuring Judy G. Russell, JD, CG, CGL, aka the “Legal Genealogist” on November 9, 2024. It is a good thing to share the wealth if one can. We would like to invite all WASGS members to join us for our seminar via Zoom at the member’s cost of $40, instead of the $50 charge for non-members. (Families are also $50.) We have an early-bird savings of $10 that will end Oct 15th.
This is a great opportunity to hear an outstanding genealogist and speaker. I know there is more information about this event on the WSGS blog and web and there is information on our website,
Roberta Griset – President of the Clallam County Genealogical Society.
German Interest Group of the Eastside Genealogical Society Mangled Place Names

Zoom Registration required:
More information: Visitors are always welcome. Our website is
Seattle Genealogical Society Open House
Join Seattle Genealogical Society (SGS) members as we celebrate Family History Month with a Fall Fling! We will be hosting an Open House on Saturday, October 12, from 10:00 AM-3:00 PM at our library location at the Good Shepherd Center in Seattle. All are welcome! We will have volunteers on hand to assist with beginning genealogy questions as well as breaking down brick walls. Refreshments will be on hand, there will be coloring pages for kids and cookie decorating for all! SGS has access to several databases in our Library including Find My Past,American Ancestors, and more. SGS is also a FamilySearch Affiliate Library, if you have a record you would like to access. We have several computers onsite for quick lookups or bring your own device and access FamilySearch from our WIFI network.

Tri-City Genealogical Society New and Improved Resources at FamilySearch
Please join us for Tri-City Genealogical Society’s October General meeting at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, October 9. The presentation will be at the Richland FamilySearch Center located at 1314A Goethals Dr. Entrance is down the ramp from the parking lot that is to the north of Dairy Queen. The presentation will also be on Zoom so you can join in from the comfort of your own home. See below for the Zoom link.
TCGS member Margie Beldin will be presenting on New and Improved Resources in the Website of FamilySearch Family Tree. FamilySearch maintains a collection of records, resources, and services designed to help people learn more about their family history.
On November 13 TCGS will be having our annual business meeting followed by a presentation to be determined. The Society’s budget for 2025 will need to be approved by the general membership along with the slate of officers for 2025. Please contact any board member if you would like to be nominated for any of the board positions.
Topic: TCGS General Meeting October 9 at 7 p.m.
Time: Oct 9, 2024 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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Bainbridge Island Genealogical Society Recreating Your Ancestor’s World
Mary Kircher Roddy
October 18, 2024, 10 AM
Recreating Your Ancestor’s World
This will be a Hybrid meeting at the Bainbridge Library and on Zoom
Please Register Here to Attend via Zoom
Learn how to combine maps, city directories, census records, and more to visualize your ancestor’s world. Understanding their environment will help you understand them.
Mary Kircher Roddy frequently lectures in Washington State as well as at conferences across the US on methodology and records. She is a trustee of the Board for Certification of Genealogists, one of the founders of the Applied Genealogy Institute, and is the co-editor of the National Genealogical Society Quarterly (NGSQ). She earned her certificate in Genealogy and Family History at the University of Washington.
Heritage Quest Research Library Family History Month
Are you new to Genealogy or Family History? Have you been doing it a while and just need some help on where to turn to next? Come into the library during the month of October and ask a librarian for their help and guidance. Librarians are here to put fresh eyes on your ancestors and direct you to new possibilities for research. Let our Volunteer Librarians help you research your family! Our Volunteer Librarians have hundreds of years of combined experience in genealogy and family history and are looking forward to helping you find hidden facts about YOUR ancestors. If we can’t help you find at least one new fact about your family, you will be able to pick a prize from our Fall/Halloween gift basket. Either way, it’s a win-win situation for you and your ancestors. We are OPEN, Monday thru Saturday from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
2102 East Main, Suite 105
Puyallup, WA 98372