Who we are
WAGS is our region’s genealogical resource.
WAGS connects, collects and protects family histories.
WAGS serves its members and region by:
Connecting people to their ancestors; people to each other for collaboration;
Collecting data and materials that will build family and regional histories;
Protecting and preserving family histories through digitization and archival storage in our library.
Click Here To Learn About WAGS’ History
The Story of WAGS Coyote
In 2016 the Wenatchee Area Genealogical Society (WAGS) adopted the iconic “Coyote Reading a Candy Wrapper,” by Richard Beyer. The sculpture was placed on the steps of the Wenatchee Valley Museum & Cultural Center Annex Building in 1995 as part of the Art on the Avenues program. (The historic 1918 building was originally the Post Office Annex Building.)
After many years of sitting alone on the steps, Coyote found that WAGS wanted to adopt him as their mascot. He was thrilled. After all, Coyote has all the credentials required of a superb genealogist—creative, skilled in hunting and tracking, strength of steel, patience, persistence, and enduring stamina. Obviously he is an intent reader, and is said by sculptor Beyer to have devoured at least one book.
On October 18, 2016, representatives from WAGS and other groups gathered in the Apple Room of the Museum Annex for the official adoption ceremony. Coyote was represented by his own legal counsel, and the Children’s Home Society conducted the ceremony. He was then toasted with apple juice from Tree Top.

Locate us . . .
The WAGS library is located on the corner of Mission and Yakima streets in Wenatchee, WA, at 127 South Mission Street. The edifice was originally (1918) the annex building to the original Wenatchee Post Office, and is now part of the Wenatchee Valley Museum and Cultural Center.
WAGS serves Chelan, Douglas and Grant counties, with some coverage of Okanogan and Kittitas counties.
(Street parking during the week is three hours. There is a free parking lot one block south of the library—enter on Kittitas Street between Wenatchee Avenue and Mission Street.)

Click here to learn more about the Wenatchee Area
The WAGS Service Area: