A Master Cemetery Index of All North Central Washington Cemeteries

This is an Index of all known interments in cemeteries in Adams, Chelan, Douglas, Ferry, Grant, Kittitas and Okanogan counties up thru about 2015 for some cemeteries and 2023 for others. The interment and historical details have been gathered by WAGS volunteers over the years. It will be updated as time permits. Search instructions are noted below. Each cemetery has its own page with location and historical information. Click the ‘Return to Cemetery List‘ button above to see the links to individual cemetery pages.
The information in the table below as well as the table on each cemetery page is all the information available from the WAGS Library. The data tables for the major active (not closed) cemeteries is being updated periodically by WAGS volunteers as time permits.
Searching Information: The largest cemetery in the WAGS collection is the Wenatchee City Cemetery. It includes data from two mausoleums. The ‘Cemetery’ column in the data table uses the abbreviations below for the Wenatchee City Cemetery. All other cemeteries use their full commonly used names in the ‘Cemetery’ column, so for searching you can use a few characters in the cemetery’s common name to find it. The cemetery list button above will take you to a page that also shows all cemetery names in the WAGS collection, including a table of ‘Lone Graves’ in the area.

HCM – Hillcrest Mausoleum

HPM – Home of Peace Mausoleum

WenCC – Wenatchee City Cemetery

Master Cemetery Index of All NCW Cemeteries

The Custom SEARCH Builder ‘Add Condition’ Button filter above the data table is used to search (filter) data in any or all column(s) of the data table. You select the columns needed to limit your search. Use the Clear ‘X’ or ‘Clear All’ button to clear out any prior search text you have entered to start over.

Use the ‘CEMETERY’ selection box to select a specific cemetery; not selecting a cemetery will list all data from all cemeteries. Clear a selected cemetery using the ‘X’ on the right; once cleared all data from all cemeteries will again show.

Use the ‘+’ button on the left of any row to better view data using a pop-up window versus the wrapped text in each cell of the table.
The normal table SEARCH box on the top right is used to search for data in ANY column. No need to use ‘wildcard’ characters in your searching or filtering, the search filters do that automatically, therefore don’t put too much info in the custom or normal search filter boxes; it could cause nothing to be found; start with just a few characters in the search boxes and work up from there.
You can PRINT, download in CSV format, or copy to the clipboard the displayed records.
Use the ‘Show Entries’ pulldown to control how many rows of data to display on each page.  Always check the print preview and verify the number of pages you want to print.