Blewett Cemetery

Chelan County, Blewett, WA 98847 USA
Lat: 47º 25′ 14″ N, Lon: 120º 39′ 38″ W T 22N R17 Sec2
Contributed by Fred Pflugrath who walked the cemetery. Last update: 2018.
The cemetery is near Culver Springs on the west side of Highway 97 and west of Peshastin Creek. You go up Olden Gulch, near Culver Springs, then 275 feet uphill from the bridge. Turn right alongside a magnificent cedar tree, and the cemetery is just 50 feet away. Look for a giant fir and lovely mountain ash. The trail to the gravesite is across the highway from the US National Register of Historic Places sign, erected in 1974.
Follow the guard rail to the left until you see a broken-down wooden staircase on the other side of the trail. At the bottom of the staircase is the Old Blewett arrastra. The gravesite is located above the arrastra.
Fred Pflugrath visited the cemetery again in July 2005.  It was located upstream of the old stamp mill on the west side of the creek in a grove of cedar trees–the oldest tree probably about 100 years. During the visit he did find the old fir tree that was girdled around the trunk shown below. The tree has died, perhaps by a lightning strike. He found a single strand of cable around most of the cemetery with corner “pipes” in two corners. There were homes both upstream and downstream from the cemetery.
The Blewett Cemetery, also known as the Blewett Pass Cemetery, was near the once active mines of Old Blewett. It was originally listed in Kittitas County, but it is now in Chelan County.
The cemetery was located by Kate Bailey and Roy Wilder, who both grew up and attended grade school at the Blewett School. “Long Forgotten Graves Found At Old Blewett,” August 15, 1966, and “Wilder Recalls Man In Forgotten Cemetery,” August 16, 1966, tell some of stories of Old Blewett and those buried there. Obituaries for most are on file at the WAGS Library in Wenatchee.
National Historical Society Registry of Historical Monuments – 1974
Blewett mine site – “Ghost Towns of Washington, Chelan Co”.
Old Blewett Arrastra dates back to the earliest days of gold mining. The arrastra, built in 1861, was a circular trough in the bedrock where flat drag stones were geared to the water wheel to crush and grind ore exposing the gold.
Arrastra water wheel at Old Blewett. Sitting at the top of the wheel is John Hill with John Olden seated at the bottom of the wheel. Both were early miners buried at Blewett Cemetery.
Cable groove on base of tree at Old Blewett grave site. This tree is now dead, but the other corner post trees are still living. Photo by Fred Pflugrath.

Blewett Cemetery

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