Genealogical Forum of Oregon A Feast of DNA Topics

Intermediate & Advanced DNA Seminar: Early Registration Deadline Soon!

The Genealogical Forum of Oregon is pleased to host our fall seminar focused on intermediate and advanced DNA topics. The seminar will be held online.

Our featured speaker is Paul Woodbury, veteran of hundreds of genealogy cases and senior researcher on the DNA Team at Legacy Tree Genealogists. This seminar will introduce you to topics that are not commonly offered, from constructing a DNA-assisted proof argument, to finding misattributed ancestry (more common than realized!), to handling false positives in endogamous populations.  Even the most experienced genealogist will learn something new!

As a bonus, seminar registration includes a special session on the evening of Friday, November 1, “Intro to DNA for Beginners”, also taught by Mr. Woodbury.

Register now and save $10! Early registration deadline is October 20.

Registration:; inquiries:

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