Pioneer Pursuit Push to 5,000

We need your help! We’re trying to have 5,000 Washington State pioneers listed in our Pioneer Pursuit Index by November 11, 2024. The index currently lists 3,854 pioneers, so we need 1,146 more to meet our ambitious, but doable, target.

Whether you’re a WSGS member or not, we’re hoping you’ll submit a three-generation genealogy (with sources) for any man, woman or child who lived in Washington Territory on or before November 11, 1889 when we became the 42nd state. You don’t have to be related to the pioneer — just pick someone in your county or neighborhood and start researching. Here’s a great list of places to start.

We’ve made it easy to submit Pioneer Pursuit genealogies. There are examples, forms and an FAQ in the Pioneer Pursuit tab of the WSGS website.

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