Eastern European Genealogy for Beginners

Heritage Quest Research Library

School is in session! It’s time for us to get back into the swing of learning and genealogy.  There’s always something new to explore or investigate.
We have had a busy summer at the library, and we’re now focused on getting back on track.  If you’re a regular to our online offerings you will already know about the upcoming topics for last few months of the year. 
September is a great time to start the research into your Eastern European ancestors. From there we move to Forensic DNA in October, and we will close out the year by focusing on WWII. 
We hope you will join us, either online or in our limited space classroom.
Eastern European Genealogy for Beginners
This presentation will focus on providing the beginner the basic background information to start investigating their ancestors across Eastern Europe.  It will focus on early modern history of Eastern Europe, major record sets and repositories available by country, and US and European research strategies to maximize success. 
Alexander Tolksdorf is a genealogist and speaker, specializing in German, Dutch, and Eastern European research.  He began his personal journey in high school, inspired by a trip to Ellis Island and through a correspondence with his great uncle in Germany, who was also an active family historian. His ancestors can be found in Germany, Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus, Poland and Russia. Alex believes that standard records only tell part of the story, with the many additional forms of documentation providing color and texture to a family history. 
When: Thursday, September19, 2024 from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Where: ZOOM and limited In-Person (8)
Cost: $20 members / $25 non-membersSign-up and Payment: ZOOM
Go to hqrl.com and click on the HQRL Store (sign in as a member to get the discount)
In-Person (8 only)
Call: 253-863-1806 or come into the library at 2102 E Main, Suite 105, 
Puyallup, WA 98372

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