Contest Concludes, but Pursuit of Pioneers Continues

The contest element of the Pioneer Pursuit program closed at midnight on 31 Oct 2023. But that doesn’t mean the program is over. The review committee is still checking each of the submissions to ensure the pioneer was in Washington Territory on or before Nov. 11, 1889. To date, we have more than 3,500 names in the index.

The announcement of the top individuals and top local societies submitting genealogies will be made after the review committee gets through the submissions arriving (or postmarked) before the October 31 deadline. (Hint: what amazing participation we had!!!)

Don’t let the conclusion of the contest stop you from submitting names and documentation of pioneers. It is estimated that nearly 350,000 people lived here in 1889. We welcome more submissions. Visit the Pioneer Pursuit page for more information.

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