Clallam County Genealogical Society Becoming a Genealogical “Super Sleuth”

Clallam County Genealogical Speakers’ Series — October 14th – 2023  

Jill Morelli

 Becoming a Genealogical “Super Sleuth!”

All-day Seminar

The Program:   Four One Hour Sessions

                 I  The Genealogical Proof Standard According to Shirlock Holms

 Using Sherlock’s own words we will explore his take on the Genealogical Proof Standard – a fun way to look at the GPS!  Who knew that SH was just following the GPS?!

                II  Solving the Family Myth Using Principles of Logic.

Who doesn’t have a story told to them about their ancestors? These undocumented stories are “myths” and are prevalent in almost everyone’s family, but how does one prove their veracity? We will look at a way to separate the wheat from the chaff.

III  Don’t Build your Own Brick Walls!

 Most brick walls are of our own making!  We need to address the reasons why they exist so we can resolve the problem.  We will review some of the reasons our brick walls get built and how to tear them down.  Hard hat ready?  Let’s start smashing the wall!

                IV  Be a Super Sleuth!  Accessing and Using Images at family Search

Did you know that now over 95% of the online records of FamilySearch are not accessible by a surname search? Did you know that FamilySearch was now putting their newly digitized records in Images and NOT in the Card Catalog? How do you find these records and access the   information you need? We will explore the access options Images to you and how to “read” the record for maximum efficiency.


9:00 – 9:20                         Registration (and a bit of noshing)

9:20 – 930                           Opening Remarks by our President, Paul Wessel

9:30 – 10:30                       Session I – The Genealogical Proof Standard According to Sherlock Holmes

10:30-10:50                       Break

10:50-11:30                       Session II — Solving the Family Myth Using Principles of Logic

11:30 – 12:30                    Lunch

12:30 – 1:30                       Session III – Don’t Build Your Own Brick Walls!

1:30 – 1:50                         Break

1:50 – 2:50                         Session IV – Be a Super Sleuth!  Accessing and Using Images at Familysearch

2:50 – 3:00                         Drawing, final comments.

Registration: Begins on September 1st.

                Members OF CCGS:  $45                               Non-members:  $50

                Save $5 by registering early before September 20th.

Checks should be made out to CCGS

Credit cards can be used by going to the CCGS website to use the PayPal app.

Location:  Dungeness Valley Lutheran Church

                925 N. Sequim Avenue, Sequim, WA

This will be a hybrid Presentation.  Participants can either attend the presentation live or watch Jill on Zoom. Zoom meeting number and pass codes will be emailed to participants upon receipt of payment.

 For more information call the society at 360-417-5000 or visit the website:

Our Speaker:  About Jill Morelli

                Jill Morelli is a renown researcher, speaker and author.  She has appeared in Legacy Webinars, National conferences, and has won national awards for the many gifts she has brought to genealogy.  She is exceptional.

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