Genealogy Shorts: 3 Mini Topics – Tuesday, August 8

Stillaquamish Valley Genealogical Society Three Mini Presentations

Tuesday, August 8
Genealogy Shorts: 3 Mini Topics
1:00 pm – Society Library In-Person

SVGS members Elizabeth Dalton, Karen Looney and Sue McNeil will be speaking  at our August 8th meeting. Our business meeting will follow the presentation.

You are invited to the presentation at the society library. Everyone is welcome!

Elizabeth’s topic:

Karen’s topic: Creating Stories

Sue’s Topic: The Importance of Contacting (or responding to) Living Cousins

General Meeting Agenda

SVGS President Ruth Caesar’s welcome message.

  • Call for additions or corrections to the last month’s meeting minutes. (These minutes were sent for review to members who were in attendance)
  • Treasurer’s Report- members can email Karen Looney at for a copy of the Report. Please put Treasurer’s Report in the subject line.
  • Presentation- (see attached handout)
  • General Meeting- Call for New Business
  • Adjournment….
  • Board Meeting will immediately follow the General Meeting

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