Heritage Quest Research Library August Class Offerings

DNA TOOLS (Emphasis on Ancestry’s Tools) Discussion and examples of several tools that are currently available to assist you in using your DNA results to advance your genealogy research. Tools that will be discussed will include DNA Painter, Ancestry’s matches, and groups, and ThruLines.
Do you have matches on Ancestry that do not have a tree or the tree is private? We will walk you through how you can use the data with others to help identify the possible relationship/DNA connection. JUDY LINE has been doing genealogy for over 30 years.  She holds several certificates from the National Institute for Genealogical Studies, and Boston University. Judy has completed DNA courses presented by Blaine Bettinger and Diahan Southard. Although not an expert, she has a good grasp of the concepts.
Judy holds membership in: Ohio Genealogical Association, Lake County Genealogical Association, Tacoma-Pierce County Genealogical Society, Utah Genealogical Association, NEHGS, NGS and others. Currently, she is a Management Team member for Heritage Quest Research Library and a member of the TPCGS Board. 

August 3, 2023


11:00 am to 12:00 pm
Cost: $20.00 members
$25.00 non-members
Go to hqrl.com 
HQRL Store and sign up online
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Don’t forget our other upcoming classes: 
August 10, 2023 with Steven Morrison
Case Study: Finding English Ancestor

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