Applied Genealogy Institute Fall Registration

July 2023

Applied Genealogy Institute Fall Registration will open August 17-23, 2023. The registration period is one week and a lottery system is used when courses are over-subscribed.

Five courses are available:

  • Applied Genetic Genealogy — Leah Larkin, PhD
  • Public Speaking for Genealogists – Jean Wilcox Hibben, PhD
  • Transportation Nation: An Exploration of U.S. Routes & Records for Work and Travel in the 19th to Early 20th Centuries – Pamela Vittorio
  • Using Land Records to Solve Genealogical Problems – Lisa S. Gorrell, CG
  • Writing Reports: For Clients, Family Members, Other Researchers, and Yourself – Sara Gredler, CG

AppGen provides the student with a unique online genealogy education experience with a high degree of instructor-student interaction utilizing a practicum-based approach. The founders believe that “Learn by Doing” is a more effective way to gain knowledge by putting those newly learned skills to use immediately. Class size is small (15 maximum). All assigned student homework is commented on by the instructor. Courses are 4-5 weeks long which gives time to study and process each week’s information and to do the exercises.

For detailed information about each class and how to register, check out Be sure to sign up for the mailing list to get up-to-date information about upcoming courses.

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