Heritage Quest Research Library Between a Rock & a Hard Place

Tina Beaird is the owner of Tamarack Genealogy and is a Genealogy & Local History librarian at the Plainfield Public Library in Plainfield, IL. She holds a Masters of Library and Information Science degree with a specialization in Archives/Preservation from Dominican University. Tina has won multiple research and digitization grants to preserve and digitize historic documents and photographs.
Between a Rock & a Hard Place:
Overturning Every Stone to Break Through Your Brick Wall.

Whether due to a courthouse fire, natural disaster or late records collection date; each of us has that one ancestor, place or era where the records remain steadfastly elusive. Tina will share success stories and offer tips and strategies to break through that brick wall and find that elusive ancestor.

Thursday, May 4, 2023
via ZOOM
$20 Members
$25 Non-members
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