Clallam County Genealogical Society Quarantined! Genealogy, the Law, and Public Health

Clallam County Genealogical Society Speaker Series Presents:

JUDY RUSSELL, jd, cg, cgs                       

“The Legal Genealogist”

Saturday, May 13,    10:00

Quarantined!  Genealogy, the Law, and Public Health

From the Plague to Tuberculosis, the law worked to protect the public from epidemics.  Learn how public health records can add to any family’s history.

Judy Russell is a certified genealogist who also has a law degree.  She is known as the “Legal Genealogist,” and has used her knowledge to help all of us to understand the archaic legal language and laws to which our ancestors were subjected through her writings, seminars, and webinars. 

 Everyone is welcome to join us to hear her presentation via Zoom. To get the Zoom meeting number and passcode, please contact CCGS at 360-417-5000 between the hours of 10am – 4pm, Tuesday-Friday, or Saturdays, noon to 4pm. You are also welcome to watch the presentation at the CCGS research center: 403 E 8th Street, Port Angeles.

For more information check the CCGS Website:

There is no charge for attendance.

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