NEW AT THE Seattle Genealogical Society LIBRARY!

Oops, this is a correction. Yes, you saw this item in the last eNews! but the url inadvertently got messed up so it didn’t work. Sorry. So let’s try this again.

As of April 1, 2023,  a new subscription service, , is available at the SGS Library. This website is an online version of the Family Maps and Texas Land Survey Maps book series. Instead of looking at landowner maps township by township, you’ll have a single, interactive map containing over 12.3 million landowners among 30 states (all 29 of the public land states, plus Texas). A single click of a parcel of land will link to both Google maps and patents’ source documents at the Bureau of Land Management or Texas General Land Office. Also included is a collection of approximately 4000 maps from various sources showing landowners at a particular point in time. Sometime in the near future, SGS will offer a class on how to use this website. Watch for it.

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