Seattle Genealogical Society Tip of the Week Generation by Generation Book


By Lisa White, SGS Director of Publiations

Recently I had the pleasure of reading Generation by Generation: A Modern Approach to the Basics of Genealogy by Genealogy Guys Podcast co-host Drew Smith. Coincidently it came to me at a very appropriate time. Lately I have been involved in many discussions about how best to get started in genealogy. This book addresses this question wonderfully.

Directed towards beginning genealogists, this book provides an upbeat and clear guide to the steps involved in doing good genealogical research. The main focus is on United States records, but there is also a chapter devoted to research outside of the U.S. such as Canada, the United Kingdom, and Ireland. The chapter on DNA testing is especially good as it provides the basics for understanding types of DNA and how testing can help us with our projects.

Even if you are a seasoned genealogist, I recommend that you read this book. In genealogy, as in most things, there is always something to learn, and I came away rejuvenated with so many ideas and insights. I can’t wait to put some of these suggestions to work, especially in regards to organizing my digital files. Some of the tips can even save you money!

To help start or boost your research, you can get your copy at:

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