Expansive Borders in Washington Territory

by Roxanne Lowe

If you’re thinking about researching a Washington Pioneer for the Pioneer Pursuit Contest, don’t forget that from 1860 – 1863 the borders of Washington Territory extended as far east as Missoula, Montana and as far south as the Idaho/Utah border. Anyone living in that territory during that time is considered eligible to be a Washington Pioneer.

If you need more information about the Pioneer Pursuit Contest, visit our web page. Or join us on Monday, April 24, 2023, at 6:30 p.m. for a Pioneer Pursuit Roundtable discussion. You’ll learn about the resources available, how to complete the forms and the review process. There’ll also be plenty of time to get your questions answered. For the Zoom link, click here.

Source: SC 1, Historic Maps Collection https://libraries.wsu.edu/masc/finders/sc001.htm at Washington State University Libraries’ Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections (MASC) https://libraries.wsu.edu/masc

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