Heritage Quest Research Library Update

What a winter this has been!

As many of you know on October 28th, 2022, we experienced an arson fire just behind our building.  Thank goodness the fire department responded quickly and were able to get the fire knocked down. The building next door was not so lucky.  If you happen to drive down Main Street in Sumner, you will see a big hole where the Stuck Junction Restaurant and Lounge used to be.  We made it through with only smoke damage and have had the books cleaned and stored. The information we are receiving from the building owner indicates that it will be some time before we can get back into the building.  They are working with the city of Sumner to make progress to re-open but are realistically looking to the end of the year.  What does all this mean for Heritage Quest Research Library?  
We are working hard to move forward. The Management Team (daily processes) and the Board of Trustees have met and discussed several scenarios and options for that forward motion.  We have viewed several different sites from Auburn to Orting to Puyallup and are finding available locations to be very few. However, the library crew and the teams are still engaged in the service we provide. Our classes are still being scheduled and attended by many of you. Our members have access to My Heritage and Ancestry from home. But we still need you.  
Your continued support of HQRL by logging into your account and accessing Ancestry and My Heritage helps us tremendously. Signing up for a class or two and taking the opportunity to give us feedback will help us in our quest to continue to be a premier genealogy resource. If you are not a member, now would be a great time to do so. 
If you are aware of a space that might fit our needs, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We are constantly on the lookout, but we can’t be everywhere. You can reach us at research@hqrl.com
Sincerest regards,
Heritage Quest Research Library

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