Clallam County Genealogical Society Western Overland Trails

Saturday, March 11th at 10:00 the Genealogical Society of Clallam County will meet.  Steven Morrison, a professional genealogist who is known for his wonderful presentations throughout the Northwest will present a talk entitled, WESTERN OVERLAND TRAILS – Following the Seven Ts   

He will discuss seven major trails from the Midwest to the West in this session. The principal routes include the Oregon and California Trails, the Mormon migration, the Santa Fe Trail, and some of which we are less familiar. These trails were the OVERLAND RIVERS which helped populate the West.  The stories of these adventurous travelers are relevant to the character of Americans at that time in history.  

Steven’s genealogical journey began in 1998 with the publication of a remembrance of his grandmother.  Since then, he has authored many articles and books, and has shared his research with Societies, History and Genealogical Conferences and Symposiums.  His material is always well researched, organized and presented. 

Everyone is invited to join the Society for this event.  The lecture will be presented as a Zoom presentation.  One can watch the program at the CCGS Research Center at 403 E. 8th Street in Port Angeles, or call the Society to obtain the Zoom meeting number and passcode.  Call 360-417-5000 for the codes  Tuesday-Friday 10am-4pm, or Saturdays noon to 4pm.   

For more information either call the Society, or consult the website 

There is no charge to join us for this program. 

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