Seattle Genealogical Society
Centennial Celebration: 1923-2023 

Happy birthday, Seattle Genealogical Society! 100 years is an amazing milestone.

Join the Seattle Genealogical Society in 2023 as we commemorate 100 years serving the genealogical community through education and preservation. We have planned a variety of events for 2023 to honor and celebrate the Society’s founding and past, as well as looking forward to its promising future.

Centennial Events: 

  • Centennial Kickoff: “Will the 2020s Roar Like the 1920s?”
    • Saturday, January 14, 2023, 1:00 pm-2:30 pm,
    • Learn about the context of the 1920s and how your ancestor may have participated in “the roar”
    • Featuring historian William Woodward, in conjunction with Humanities Washington Speakers Bureau. Join us for the first Centennial event!
    • Register for this free virtual event at the SGS website Calendar of Events:
  • Family History Writing Contest:
    • Watch for the announcement in the Winter issue of SGS Journal
  • Summer Preservation Seminar
    • Date: TBD
    • Featuring Denise Levernich giving four lectures on preservation of your artifacts, photos, documents and digital data
    • Free to members
  • 1923 Ice Cream Social in the Park
    • Date: TBD
    • Bring the family to Meridian Park behind the Good Shepherd Center
  • 100th Birthday Party with keynote speaker
    • Date: 20 October 2023, 6:00-8:00
    • Dunn Gardens Cottage and grounds
    • Keynote speaker: you are going to want to be there!
    • Winners of the Family History Writing Contest will be announced and prizes awarded

Watch upcoming issues of the Journal to learn more about the SGS founders and our history!

Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to seeing you in the new year! 

“WILL the 2020’s ROAR LIKE the 1920s?” 
Saturday, January 14, 2023
1:00 – 2:30 pm 
Virtual – Online

You don’t want to miss the first event of our SGS Centennial celebration. Although we had to cancel the in-person event due to the elevator situation at the Good Shepherd Center, we still hope this event will be well attended via Zoom. Be sure to register today on the Calendar of Events at the SGS website.   

The subject for this presentation will be the pandemic, protests, and economic jolts that ushered in the so-called “Roaring Twenties.”  Americans adjusted in ways both innovative and counterproductive. What lessons from the 1920s can we apply to our own looming 20s?

The speaker will be historian William Woodward. He is an award-winning professor of American and Pacific Northwest history at Seattle Pacific University. His teaching, research, and writing focus on iconic elements of regional and national culture, including the military and baseball. His co-authored pictorial history of the Washington National Guard was released in 2019. William lives in Seattle.

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