Let’s Talk About: Facebook

by Donna Phillips

Whether or not you use, or even like Facebook, it’s here to stay. Mega-millions of posts every prove that people like you and me are using Facebook for a wide variety of reasons. Like I said, love it or hate it, it’s here to stay so why not use it to your advantage?

Katherine Willson recognized the genealogy potential of Facebook many years ago. She began compiling a list of genealogy and family history groups that have a Facebook presence. As of 2021, it would take 436 pages to download that list of some nearly 17,000 listings. 

Nearly every genealogical and/or historical society in Washington boasts a Facebook page! Wouldn’t you guess that every state has a page or two (or more) of such listings? Don’t you think you might could learn something from them???

To access Katherine Willson’s list, click to 


As of 2021, Willson turned over management and updating of her list to CyndisList. So do check that out, too, for the most recent updates……. all categorized. 

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