PBS is debuting a new television show, “Your DNA Secrets Revealed!” on November 26th. Diahan Southard was originally interviewed as a DNA expert by the producers of the show. They liked her so much that they asked her to host the show. She was thrilled and honored, and gladly accepted the invitation.

If you are at all interested in DNA, you are most likely familiar with Diahan. You have probably seen at least one, or maybe many, of her presentations on DNA – maybe a webinar or a seminar – maybe you follow her BLOG. Diahan is the author of “Your DNA Guide – the Book” and founder of “Your DNA Guide – the Blog” and “Your DNA Guide – the Academy”. More about all those endeavors can be found at her website  https://www.yourdnaguide.com/

Here is the published description of the new show:  Learn about the science of DNA and the role genetics plays in our longevity, and well-being. Hosted by author, educator and genetic genealogist Diahan Southard, and including interviews with noted biologists and researchers, the program explains why genealogical science is critical to understanding who we really are, and how it can help us make smarter, more informed choices about our health.

In the Seattle area, the show will first air on PBS KCTS-9 on Saturday, November 26th, from  11:00 AM – 1:00 PM. For other locales, check your PBS local listings.

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