Heritage Quest Research Library and the Fire

Dear members, patrons and valued friends of Heritage Quest Research Library,

Many of you may have already heard the devastating news surrounding the fire this morning in Sumner, Washington and I am sure you have a million questions regarding the library’s viability and future.
Let me begin by stating “We are still here, and we will get through this.”  

In the short term as we have yet to be allowed in the building, we will be closed for the next week or so.  There is much to get through with all the intricacies involved in a fire.  We are hoping for minimal damage, considering the fire was just next door and there was a fire wall between the businesses.  We have sustained some water damage, but again we hope minimal. We will continue to move forward making the best possible decisions regarding the future of HQRL. 

We hope for your continued support and patience as we get through this stressful time.

My sincerest regards,
Jo-Anne Huber 

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