Sons of the Union Veterans of the Civil War, Fort Walla Walla Camp 3 Meeting

FWW 3 meeting notice-Nov 5, 2022

The Sons of the Union Veterans of the Civil War, Fort Walla Walla Camp 3 will hold a quarterly meeting Nov 5 2022 at The Moses Lake Airport. Specifically, at the Ops Building on Lot 5 -a grassy tie down area–on Municipal Airport Rd. (at east boundary of the airport). The FWW SUVCW yellower banner will be displayed too. Any interested public is invited. Questions;

Don Jameson Camp Commander at 509. 945. 0549.

Set up of room at 11:30. Sack lunch and social time is from 12:00 to 12:30. Start of meeting at 12:30 pm.

Program will start at 1:00 pm with Hank Cramer III on an interesting Western battle of the Civil War. This is on the Battle of Picacho Peak, AZ. This is considered the western most battle of the Civil War. A skirmish between the Union’ California Column advancing East and the rear guard of Confederate forces who would eventually withdraw from Tucson, AZ into Texas.

Other business after program of Camp elections, Initiation of any new members wishing

to do this. Also, discussion of Jan 28, 2023 meeting and Of the four special events in March 7-12

with Dr. Curt Fields, an historian, coming as Gen. U.S. Grant re-enactor.

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