Let’s Talk About: Passed Along Books

by Donna Phillips

EWGS past president Shirley Penna-Oakes has been gone for a couple of years now. Her good friend, Mary, to whom Shirley gave all her genealogy and her genealogy books, is now wanting to re-home some family histories that Shirley collected.  The titles are listed below; I have these books and would be willing to send them to you for postage.  First to ask gets them…..   

The Irish Scots and the “Scotch-Irish,” by John C. Linehan, 1902, Heritage Books reprint.

I Saved the King: The Story of the Turnbulls, by R.E. Scott, 1977, 17 pages, Xerox copy

Robert Clements: Ancestors & Descendants, of Leicestershire & Warwickshire, England, First Settler of Haverhill, Mass, by Percival W. Clement, 1921, 2 vols in 1, Xerox copy

Family of John Page of Haverhill, Mass, 1614-1977, by Lynn M. Case and Page Sanderson, 1978, 245 pages + index, Hardbound book

History of Haverhill, Mass, by Benjamin L. Mirick, 1832, 237 pages + index, Heritage Book reprint

By the Name of Morrill, 1632-1987, by Madeleine Witten, ND, 240 pages + index

Theresa Maria Maselli (Dalsanders) and Virginia D’Amico (Penna); Arrived into New York City 1907 and Spokane, WA, 1907. Compiled by Shirley Penna Oakes, ND

Descendants of Margaret Campbell, 1847-1928, inc. John Doherty and Jonas Otto Wallgreen, by Juanita Sullender, 2011

Family of Anthony Wayne Bricker & Melinda Sullender (who married in IN in 1842), a stuffed 3-ring binder of charts, notes, obits, pictures and copies; compiled by Shirley Penna Oakes.

The Munson Record: Genealogy & Biographical Account of Capt. Thomas Munson and His Descendants, by Myron A. Munson, 1896, 200 pages, unbound Xerox copy

*** I also have a big box of The New England Historic Genealogical Society’s publication, The Register. Shirley apparently purchased these early volumes…………. I will not send them (way, way too heavy) but they are up for grabs. 

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