Heritage Quest Research Library Mapping an Ancestor

Janet O’Conor Camarata is a genealogist with over 30 years of experience.  Janet has presented at seminars, genealogy libraries and societies and retirement centers across Washington. Janet returns to Heritage Quest Research Library as one of our favorite presenters.  Mapping an AncestorResearching Using Maps Geography is a discipline closely related to genealogy and an untapped resource for learning more about our ancestors.  Using geography and maps in research provides visual clues to help answer questions about where, how far, and what is nearby.  Learn about the George E. Curry family of Ohio and Kansas and how maps focused the research, located property, identified lost place names, solved a family mystery, and identified jurisdictions to write for records. 
When:  June 16, 2022            11:00 – 12:00 PM
Where:   ZOOM
Cost: $20 Members     $25 Non-members
Sign up: Come into HQRL in Sumner or Call 253-863-1806
OR sign up online at hqrl.com
Members must log in to the member page and then proceed to the hqrl store in order to obtain the discount.

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