July membership meeting–July 12, 2:00 p.m. via Zoom

“From Curious to Published: One Genealogist’s Journey”

WAGS member Kay Daling became curious about genealogy when she learned that some of her ancestors had come to America in 1633. She honed her research skills, and eventually focused on the Dalings and Slacks–pioneering Waterville families. She published “The Daling Family Story” in 2014; and “The Slack Family: From Ireland to Ontario, Canada to Washington Territory” became a reality in 2020. Kay will share her genealogical journey, which included a visit to the National Archives in Washington, D.C., two trips to the Family History Library in Salt Lake, and of course much sleuthing in WAGS’ collection of local resources.

Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89661740878?pwd=U0tYd2xSQndodUsvVUZ5eTNtMlNQQT09

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