National Genealogical Society and ConferenceKeeper

Greetings, EWGS & WSGS,Karen Lehfeldt here to let you know about one of the announcements shared at the National Genealogical Society Conference and Delegate Council May 31st through June 3rd, 2023. What an exciting time I had in Richmond, Virginia as the Delegate from Eastern Washington Genealogical Society.The news:The National Genealogical Society (NGS) and Genealogy, Inc. (ConferenceKeeper), announced at the…

MyHeritage added 46 million historical records in May

During the month of May 2023, we added 46 million records from 30 collections around the world, with records from Belgium, Canada, Finland, New Zealand, Scotland, Spain, the U.K. and the U.S. The collections include birth, marriage, divorce, death, military, naturalization, and student records. You can find a full list of the newly added collections…

Let’s Talk About: The Final Honor

by Donna Phillips  In the Summer, 2022, issue of American Ancestors, publication of the New England Historic Genealogical Society, there was an article aimed at Memorial Day. Written by David Allen Lambert, Chief Genealogists at NEHGS, the article was titled “The Final Hour: U.S. Military Gravestones.” Lambert began the article thusly:  “Most American cemeteries include a veterans…

HQRL June Class

Steven W. Morrison is the past president of the Puget Sound Chapter of APG. Steven is a long-time member, speaker and collaborator at HQRL. Steven received The American Society of Genealogists Scholar Award in 2016.  Virginia, Quaker and Ireland are just a few of the many topics Steven has presented in his speaking career.  Please help…

Memorial Day offer: free access to all military records on MyHeritage

At MyHeritage, we believe it’s our duty to preserve every family story, and that responsibility takes on added significance as we pay tribute to the brave men and women who gave their lives to safeguard our freedom. In honor of Memorial Day, we’re offering free access to all 83.1 million military records on MyHeritage, from…